Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is composed of NOVA's officers: the President, Vice President, Secretary, and the Treasurer.
President: Christine Clemens
Vice President: John Tucker
Secretary: Amy Kretkowski
Treasurer: Julie Glover
Amicus and Litigation Committee
The Amicus and Litigation Committee works to ensure that NOVA is supportive of litigation efforts that benefit the veteran community and its representatives. The Committee exists to aid in supplying amicus briefs to United States courts and in undertaking worthy litigation to support our country’s veterans and their advocates.
Chair: Tom Polseno
Deanne Bonner Simpson
Julie Glover
Matthew Greig
Jon Heiden
Travis James West
John Niles
Amy Odom
Congressional Testimony Committee
The Congressional Testimony Committee's duty is to review Congressional testimony drafted by the Executive Director or any other individual, prior to its submission to the Board, in accordance with NOVA by-laws.
Chair: Amy Kretkowski
Jennifer Byrd
Kenneth M. Carpenter
Chanel Davenport
Chelsea Donaldson
Timothy Franklin
Bradley Hennings
Jason Johns
Felicia Mullaney
Sally Stenton
Ethics Committee
This committee advises the Board on issues related to the ethical practice of VA law. It also investigates cases of alleged ethical violations by members and reports its findings and/or recommendations to the Board.
Chair: James Pavisian
Chris Attig
Rebecca Deming
Sara Huerter
Tommy Klepper, Jr.
Melinda Willi
Regulation Comment Committee
The Regulation Comment Committee bears the responsibility for analyzing proposed rules, drafting comments, and discussing them with VA. The Committee helps ensure that those rules align with authorizing statutes and the Constitution, and in this way, NOVA represents its members and advocates for veterans.
Chair: Amy Girard
Christine Clemens
Chris Boudi
Kristina Derro
Kent Eiler
Art Gage
Leslie Gaines
Michael Hoffman
Adam Luck
Rick Rousseau
John Unruh
Seminar Committee
The Seminar Committee's primary responsibility is to plan NOVA's Spring and Fall Conferences. This committee schedules speakers, chooses sites, updates the education program, and organizes special events for our members, with the assistance of NOVA staff.
Co-Chair: Zachary Stolz
Co-Chair: John Tucker
Donnel Beckles
Javier Centonzio
Brett Buchanan
Alexandra Curran
Matt Hill
Bob Goss
Jonathan Greene
John Niles
Michelle Wolf
Social Committee
The Social Committee's primary responsibility is to promote social interaction and networking opportunities among NOVA Members.
Co-Chair: Niva Elgin
Co-Chair: Sara Huerter
Erika Dowd
Claire Hillan Sosa
Sally Stenton
Michelle Wolf
Webinar Committee
The Webinar Committee's primary responsibility is to plan NOVA's webinars.
Chair: Art Gage
Christie Bhageloe
Judy Donegan
Erika Dowd
Andrew Gross
Benjamin Malotte
Mentorship Committee
Co-Chair: Amy Kretkowski
Co-Chair: Leslie Gaines